1D pong is a game where you have to bat the light from 1 player to the other, pressing the button at the right time to send the light back.
When Geekphysical couldn't find his metal detector when he wanted to go treasure hunting with his son, he decide to make his own.
This DIY project sees a joystick controller and an arcade button joined with the Hackvision library, to create your own old-school console.
Pretend you're James Bond, and make your way through this laser maze. The challenge is to make it through in 3 minutes.
Arduino models before the Due aren't well known for being able to do audio, but this Arduino-based MP3 Alarm Clock can play lo-fi MP3s.
A rather cool yet impractical project considering how cheap phones are these days, but you can now build your own phone with an Arduino.
This chess game allows you to play with opponents across the world. It's automated, so the pieces move as if your opponent was there.
A useless machine is a box with a switch on top. Flick the switch, and a little hand will come out of the box and un-flick the switch.
Knock Knock is a wooden calculator box that is used by knocking the surface over which symbol you wish to use.
The King Cobra is a game of skill and speed. If you're not fast enough, you're going to get stabbed!
This interesting project combines a LeapMotion hand-tracker with a marble maze, offering 3D gesture control to the classic game.