April Fool's day is a great day for the maker - there's loads of techy fun to be had. The Circuito.io team have devised their own little prank to spook unsuspecting coworkers when they least expect it - at snack time!

The 'Evil Fruit Bowl' is a prank bowl of fruit that plays a scary noise when a piece of fruit is taken from the bowl. A load cell and an Arduino Pro Mini are mounted carefully under the bottom of the bowl. It senses when the weight of the bowl changes, i.e. when something is removed from the bowl, and an attached MP3 player plays a sound, such as a blood-curdling scream.

The great idea behind the prank is not only in spooking the unwitting subject, but it it's surprising simplicity. It's not overly complicated, nor hasĀ loads of flashy components; it's simple and it works.

The whole build can be found at the Hackster.io website, and we're pretty sure you know someone with light fingers who could do with a scare.