The Hackbat has features such as an NFC reader
The Hackbat has features such as an NFC reader

In the world of cybersecurity, ethical hacking is what we call "white-hat", hacking into something with the aim of patching, not exploiting, any vulnerabilities. This demanding field requires not only skill and knowledge but also the right tools, which can be often expensive. Enter Hackbat, a groundbreaking Raspberry Pi project engineered by maker and developer Pablo Trujillo, revolutionizing the world of penetration testing.

At its core, Hackbat is a custom PCB powered by the RP2040 microcontroller. Trujillo's creation aims to address the need for more versatile and importantly open-source ethical hacking tools.

The main feature of Hackbat is the sheer selection of tools included. With modules supporting NFC and RF transmission, a microSD card slot for expanded storage, USB connectivity, and built-in Wi-Fi capabilities, Hackbat offers a comprehensive suite of functions essential for penetration testing tasks.

In an industry where proprietary tools often come with hefty price tags, Hackbat's open-source nature is a great cost-effective tool. By leveraging readily available components, Trujillo's creation not only reduces costs but also lets users customize, repair, or upgrade their tools as needed.

Hackbat isn't the first tool in the niche of pen testing gadgets. Products like Flipper Zero have become the go-to tool, with recent RP2040-powered add-ons further expanding their capabilities. Trujillo's Hackbat distinguishes itself with its focus on modularity, affordability, and accessibility, making it a compelling choice for ethical hackers of all skill levels.

The Hackbat PCB, controlled by the RP2040 microprocessor, boasts additional features such as an OLED display panel for real-time feedback and intuitive navigation buttons for seamless operation. With the inclusion of a PN532 module for NFC support and an ESP-12F for 2.4GHz Wi-Fi connectivity, Hackbat offers a robust toolkit for tackling diverse security challenges.

If you want to check out the project, Trujillo has shared the PCB files, enabling anyone to build or modify their own.