is a power outlet with smart features. It connects to the internet via your home WiFi system, and can be controlled via a iOS or Android smartphone. It measures how much electricity is being used, in a smart way, and can be powering on and off can be controlled remotely.

The beauty of is its smart capabilities - it monitors the appliance to learn how it is used. monitors how the appliance is being used, and can detect if something is out of the ordinary with the power consumption. A couple of examples provided by are detecting if the stove has been left on for a unusually long time, or if the fridge door has been left open as it uses more power than normal.

A smartphone
The can be controlled and monitored via your smartphone can send a notification to your phone for you to remotely power down the appliance, or you can set up to automatically shut down the power. is based on all open-source technology - the Spark Core platform. You can use the Spark API, or upload your own Arduino-compatible code. As it all connects to the Spark cloud, you can exchange data with any other compatible internet connected device. is quite an interesting concept. As it is all Arduino compatible, there's no reason you can't then create your own hybrid devices, so you have control various Arduino hardware as well as sending data to your smartphone. This leaves you the scope to do whatever you want to hack... You could turn off your kid's TV when they've used too much power, or turn on your lights when your not in to give the impression that you are.

The makers behind want to reach $129,000 from their Kickstarter campaign. You can head over there now and make your donation, and for a pledge of $59, you can get yourself your own when they are ready for shipping.

NB. the is a USA/Canada product only at the minute, as it's only set up for 110V and dual pin style plugs. A stretch goal is to provide other versions, but this involves various regulation testing, and tooling for the pin layout.